Welley Christ deal with the devil!
We all been asking for many years! if Welley Christ is the first man with 53 talents but still he thinks he is GOD! dont that makes Welley Christ the Devil? the Devil had a lot of talents from what we know in the bible! if Welley Christ believe he is God makes him the Devil! not only that Welley Christ believe he is the Devi, he also models for the Devil company making him the highest known model in the Devil company! based on his talents and his looks body and face! made Welley Christ look like he could be lucifer! but how can a man be born and he is the only man in the world with 53 talents following the want of having a child name Jesus Christ! this year people see that Welley Christ wants to born a child name Jesus Christ and a daughter name Holy Saint Christ! makes Welley Christ the Devil? but we all know Welley Christ is the GOAT! people always call Welley Christ the Goat in Hollywood because of his passion for music art plus his talents being his career choice! many of Well...